With a diet to better male fertility

Every seventh pair in the world has a problem with conception, ie it faces infertility. Half of these couples cause male infertility.

What is essentially the cause of male infertility?

Female infertility has been studied for years and therefore, medicine can more reliably diagnose the cause of female infertility, while the cause of male infertility in most of the cases remains unknown.

In recent studies, a genetic change is proven, which may be the reason for a reduced number of sperm, although it’s about healthy male individualsand more specifically, the NR5A1 gene responsible for the quality of sperm and abnormalities of the testicle (American Journal of Human Genetics, 2010). On the other hand, research also points to the style of life as a cause of male infertility, such as chronic stress, excessive hours of sitting in the workplace, then more men who marry in older age, and with age, the number of sperm counts decreases, andalso by exposure to xenoestrogens(pesticides, in particular DDT I PCB, toxic dioxins used in the bleaching industry, plastic chemicals such as Nonylphenol from the group a alcoholophenols for which their estrogen action has been proven when they are introduced into the body, excessive eating of red meat – diethyl stilbestrol-DES used as a stimulant for growth animals that are grown as a meat source).

Generally causes are divided into pre-testicular, testicular and post-testicular. We’ll not go into medical diagnosis and treatment, we’ll leave that for specialists, but we’ll stick to what we can only recognize and take measures for them. Pretesticular causes are nutrition and lifestyle. Let’s say some of them:

Obesity, ie the increased percentage of fatty tissue, especially in the visceral region, leads to a certain degree of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, due to the insensitivity of the leptin hypothalamus, and thus the reduced production of GNRH from it. Therefore, in obese men with increased BMI that have problems with sperm quality, it is recommended to lose excess pounds and fatty deposits through a healthy ANTI-INFLAMMATORY diet and increased physical activity.Anti-inflammatory diet, reducing insulin resistance, will act and lead to improved sperm quality. It is recommended to introduce high doses of antioxidants, preferably of natural origin (fruits and vegetables, well-washed pesticides) and high doses of antioxidant supplements- In more studies done on in vitro pairs, a large number of successful pregnancies have been proven where male partners have taken high doses of antioxidants. When composing a program for improving male fertility, the intake of whole grains is reduced because they contain phytates that make it difficult to absorb zinc, which is the most important mineral for male fertility.

In men smokers, the risk of infertility increases by as much as 30%. The cigars compromise the microcirculation in the testicle, and cadmium, which is chemically very similar to zinc and is naturally contained in tobacco, binds to the site of zinc for DNA polymerase and prevents the synthesis of the sperm, and thus changes its quality. Everything that leads to hyperthermia of the testicle (baths in hot tub, sauna, tight leggings, cycling, professional riding horses, etc.) leads to a decrease in the quality of seed content.

Reduce your alcohol intake for the next 3 months if you are infertile. Reduce coffee intake and caffeinated beverages, it is best to stop the intake at least for 2 months.

Vitamin mineral formula for better male fertility:

Zinc-30mg / day, Selenium-200 microgram / day, Omega 3 essential fatty acids-2000 mg / day, Vitamin B6-50 mg / day, Vitamin B12-50 microgram / day, Manganese-5 mg / day, Vitamin C- 1000 mg / day, Vitamin E-400 IU / day, L-arginine-1000mg / day, L-carnitine-1000mg / day, Chromium-200-400 micrograms / day.

When one pair faces a male infertility factor, the diagnosis of the cause of it should not be overlooked. The male partner should be directed to appropriate specialist, to accurately locate the cause of infertility, if possible, and remove it. Then make a good individual nutrition program for a certified nutritionist who through foods and lifestyle changes will influence the quality of sperm.

With anti-inflammatory nutrition rich in antioxidants and intake of nutrients that naturally contain essential minerals and vitamins that are essential for fertility, as well as making a good formula with vitamin mineral supplements in the diet, within 3 months can be achieved improvement, and even cure.