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Marija Ilijovska


D-r Marija Ilijovska is born in 1990 in Bitola where she finished primary and secondary education with continuous excellent success. She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje.  In 2015, she received a specialization in endocrinology, which she successfully completed on time in 2021 at the Endocrinology Clinic at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje. She began her work experience at the City General Hospital “8th September”, where she worked as a doctor in the Emergency Department for several years. After completing the specialization, she continued her work experience in a private clinic specializing in fertilization and infertility treatment. During her specialization, she takes an active part in congresses and educational courses in the country and abroad, including EASD Postgraduate Course in Sofia (Bulgaria), EASD Postgraduate Course in Sarajevo (BIH), EASD Postgraduate Course in Prague (Czech Republic), EASD Postgraduate Course in Skopje (Macedonia).


D-r Ilijovska has completed several professional educational training abroad for further education in the field of diabetology and thyroidology (Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia) and in the field of andrology where she participated in the work of several well-known university andrology centers in Italy. She is a member of several international organizations in the field of endocrinology, andrology and diabetes.